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Thursday, September 3, 2020
Management Techniques Used in Mcdonalds Stores Free Essays
The board Techniques utilized in McDonalds Date: 17/12/2010 Contents: Pg 1 †Title page Pg 2 †Contents Pg 3 †Executive Summary Pg 4 †1. 0 Terms of Reference 2. 0 Procedure 2. We will compose a custom article test on The executives Techniques Used in Mcdonalds Stores or on the other hand any comparable subject just for you Request Now 1 Primary Research 2. 2 Secondary Research 3. 0 Findings 3. 1 Principles of logical administration Pg 5 †3. 2 Principles of Taylorisms 3. 3 McDonaldization 3. 4 Individual Investigation Pg 6 †3. 5 Motivation 4. 0 Conclusion Pg 7 †5. 0 Recommendations 6. 0 Reference List 7. 0 Bibliography Executive Summary This report was created to take a gander at the administration and inspiration strategies cap are utilized in McDonald’s drive-thru eateries, and was mentioned by the Senior Executive of McDonalds. The primary discoveries were that there are impacts of the hypotheses of F. W. Taylor and George Ritzer and was reasoned endless supply of the exercises in McDonalds, there are clear employments of logical administration utilized in McDonalds eateries, and this has a thump on impact on the inspiration of staff there. The suggestions of this report are that the directors need to connect with the staff and attempt to ‘revamp’ the procedures that they have set up, and give them a more straightforward inspiration regarding the prizes that they get. 1. 0 †Terms of Reference This report is has been mentioned by the Senior Executive of McDonalds in September 2010, in light of a case made by Wilson (2010). Wilson recommends that there are close connections between the logical administration standards and the exacting schedules and systems found in McDonald’s drive-through joints. This report will investigate logical administration standards and to check whether they do really affect the administration rules that are utilized McDonalds drive-through eateries and will quickly take a gander at the inspiration strategies for McDonald’s workers, and will incorporate perceptions of these techniques. The fundamental issues found in the perception of staff, was that the perception was constrained, and just watched the exercises of the ‘front-line’ representatives, serving the client, and couldn't stretch out this to the ‘beginning’ of the procedure to where the food is made on the premises. This report has been aggregated by an autonomous analyst, who will consider through perception and examination whether Wilson’s recommendation bolsters the every day schedules a client would discover when visiting such drive-thru eateries. 2. †Procedure The accompanying strategies were attempted so as to break down the contextual investigation association. 2. 1 †Primary Research: The essential examination attempted was to watch the staff of different McDonalds cafés, these were seen from September 2010 to December 2010 to attempt to acquire an increasingly changed perspective on the systems staff at McDonalds use. This is found under segment 3. 4 â₠¬ Individual Investigation. 2. 2 †Secondary Research: The optional examination embraced was through sites, books and online articles. This exploration was utilized for the utilization of scholars utilized in the Findings area of the report. | 3. 0 †Findings 3. 1 Scientific administration is a hypothesis that was at first evolved by Fredrick Winslow Taylor and this hypothesis was distributed in 1911. In his distribution, ‘The Principles of Scientific Management’, Taylor tends to the â€Å"importance of the bigger inquiry of expanding our national efficiency’ (Taylor, 1911). His hypothesis sets out to ‘Prove that the best administration is a genuine science, settling upon plainly characterized laws, rules and standards as a foundation’ (Taylor, 1911). Taylor accepted that laborers would accomplish as meager work as could reasonably be expected, and would create 33% to one-portion of their capacity, and accepted this was all inclusive, yet he needed to counter this and increment the profitability of laborers. Taylor recommends through his own examination that numerous occupations, including talented callings can be separated into littler undertakings, which means the less requirement for gifted skilled workers to finish employments, and settle on their own choices. He led this examination in the steel business with Time Studies; he watched worker’s succession of movements to decide the most ideal route for employments to be performed. The disadvantages of this technique, in spite of the fact that it builds profitability, are that it de-refines the activity job, and doesn’t take into account any idea of the laborer to be included. 3. 2 The four fundamental standards of Taylor, otherwise called Taylorisms, are: 1. Supplant ‘rule of thumb’ work strategies with techniques dependent on a logical investigation of the errands. 2. To logically choose, prepare and build up every laborer instead of leaving the laborers to prepare themselves. 3. To co-work with laborers to guarantee that the logical created techniques are being followed. . To isolate work about similarly among the board and laborers, so chiefs apply the logical administration standards to arranging and the work, and the specialist to really play out the assignments. (www. netmba. com) These standards were received primarily in processing plants and modern settings, including Henry Ford’s vehicle creation production lines. 3. 3 McDo naldization is a term that was made by George Ritzer dependent on the discoveries of Max Weber’s hypotheses of administration, in his distribution ‘The McDonaldization of Society’ (1995). George Ritzer clarifies that the drive-thru eatery is an outrageous case of defense process, where the primary center is that of effectiveness and consistency. Ritzer’s four primary standards of McDonaldization are: 1. Proficiency †The quickest technique for finishing an assignment. 2. Calculability †as far as McDonald’s clients, this way to serve the clients a lot of food in a brief timeframe, as far as McDonalds staff, it is the amount of work they do and not the quality in that they do it. 3. Consistency †Meaning whatever McDonalds café a client will go to, they would realize what's in store, this applies to the item and the administration that they get. 4. Control †This is the power over the representatives, everything is normalized and at every possible opportunity, human communication is supplanted by innovation. 3. 4 Individual Investigation-On directing an examination concerning what a client would understanding after visiting McDonald’s eateries, it was discovered that the experience bolsters the perspectives on Ritzer, and Taylor’s logical administration standards can be applied. On being served, a client is posed a similar routine inquiry, and the clients answer will be, once more, another content composed inquiry, I. e. What drink would you like with that, OK prefer to have an enormous supper? The worker that is serving will at that point either gather the request that the client has put, or there will be another individual from staff there to complete that specific errand, so the individual ‘stationed’ at the till can proceed to serve the following client, whichever might be progressively productive, with assignments being separated. This experience alone can cover three of the four standards utilized by Ritzer, plainly; effectiveness, quickest strategy for finishing the errand, calculability, serving clients with a lot of food in a brief timeframe and furthermore the amount of work that they do. The third guideline of Ritzer is bolstered by visiting a couple of different McDonalds eateries, the client will recognize what's in store, as expressed prior with the ‘script-written’ inquiries after requesting food, to knowing the McDonald’s ‘menu’ and what you will get. The fourth guideline of Ritzer’s, control, from going to McDonalds has been seen from this perception that the administrators will control the staff, guaranteeing that assignments are completed accurately, as while watching the movement behind the counter, there is consistently a chief present, continually returning and fourth among focuses, and ‘checking over workers shoulders’. 3. 5 Motivation †To take a gander at the advantages that may spur a McDonald’s worker, it has been investigated on what advance the opening that are accessible in McDonalds. From getting to the McDonald’s site www. mcdonalds. co. k, the organization publicizes that the opening are momentary occupations, yet the open door offers extraordinary preparing and advancement plans from apprenticeships to establishment degrees, yet, they don't move away from the genuine acknowledgment of the activity. A short breakdown of a group individuals job is expressed as, client support à ¢â‚¬ expected to furnish clients with a speedy and precise help. The site additionally advances the ‘rewards and benefits’ of being a McDonalds worker, these are; 28 days paid occasions, free private human services (following three years administration), partner annuity conspire, a representative can trade ? 10 legitimately from their compensation to childcare vouchers, saving money on National Insurance and Tax, and furthermore engaging conceivably single guardians, and furthermore rebate cards for huge retailers, including HMV and Marks Spenser’s. Be that as it may, albeit every one of these prizes and advantages may appear to be engaging, there is likewise a short video cut on the site, named ‘Think Again’. This is a short video, where a McDonalds representative has moved toward individuals ‘off the street’ to ask their perspectives on individuals who work in McDonalds. A few answers given are that McDonalds representatives are uneducated, individuals ‘filling in the middle of genuine jobs’ and that an occupation at McDonalds is a final hotel, notwithstanding, the worker who was directing the short ‘interviews’ was a college understudy, as of now contemplating law, when this was advised to the individuals who she was chatting with,
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
3 Errors Involving Prepositions
3 Errors Involving Prepositions 3 Errors Involving Prepositions 3 Errors Involving Prepositions By Mark Nichol You are endeavoring to depict an activity, yet you can’t recall whether one, state, goes in to the penetrate or into the break, or whether one, for instance, strolls on to the following path intersection or onto the following path intersection. This post clarifies the individual jobs of the employable words and expressions. A prepositional expression is an expression that incorporates a relational word, a word that, as its name infers, precedes the object of a sentence. For instance, into and onto are relational words portraying development comparable to objects in the prepositional expressions â€Å"into the trench†and â€Å"onto the roof.†Because these prepositional expressions give extra data about an activity that happened (as in the sentences â€Å"She jumped into the trench†and â€Å"The kid climbed onto the roof†), they fill in as qualifiers. We for the most part consider qualifiers single words (as in â€Å"She jumped impetuously†or â€Å"The kid climbed quickly†), yet modifiers can comprise of at least two words, which show up with no extra data or joined with single word intensifiers, either adjoining one another or isolated by the subject and the action word (as in â€Å"She jumped rashly into the trench†or â€Å"Quickly, the kid climbed onto the roof†). â€Å"In to†and â€Å"on to,†on the other hand, each contain two particular grammatical forms: a qualifier followed by a relational word. In and on follow an action word to give extra data about it, and to goes before the article that follows the action word and its qualifier, as in â€Å"She jumped in to look the trench†and â€Å"The kid got on to show signs of improvement look.†In the accompanying models, a relational word is erroneously utilized instead of a modifier relational word compound comprising of indistinguishable letters from the relational word. After each sentence, a conversation, trailed by an update, clarifies the blunder. 1. His better half, under the supposition that she’d never observe him again, has moved onto another man, and they’re anticipating getting hitched. The prepositional expression â€Å"moved onto†infers that the lady has actually migrated herself on the man’s body. In any case, â€Å"moved on to†incorporates the informal expression â€Å"moved on,†meaning â€Å"transitioned†: â€Å"His spouse, under the presumption that she’d never observe him again, has proceeded onward to another man, and they’re anticipating getting married.†2. His activity isn't to surrender to the requests of multimillionaire famous people pushing a social plan. The utilization of into infers a passage, yet the key of this sentence is the figure of speech â€Å"give in,†meaning â€Å"submit,†so into must be separated into its constituent parts: â€Å"His work isn't to surrender to the requests of multimillionaire big names pushing a social agenda.†3. The PDAs were transformed into the specialists. Here, into went before by turned proposes a change, instead of the demonstration of turning in, or giving over, so once more, in must be isolated from to shape some portion of the expression â€Å"turning in†: â€Å"The mobile phones were gone in to the authorities.†For an increasingly itemized conversation about this issue, see this post about relational words. Need to improve your English in a short time a day? Get a membership and begin accepting our composing tips and activities every day! Continue learning! Peruse the Grammar classification, check our mainstream posts, or pick a related post below:Coordinating versus Subjecting Conjunctions75 Idioms and Expressions That Include â€Å"Break†Oppose and Opposed To
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Serial Killers Essay -- Can Biology make us Murderers?
One must feel frustrated about the individuals who have odd tastes, however never affront them. Their wrong is Nature's as well; they are not any more answerable for having appeared on the scene with propensities dissimilar to our own than are we for being brought into the world bandy-legged or proportional. Marquis de Sade (1740-1814), Exchange the Fifth (1795). In the event that what our identity is and what we do begins in the cerebrum, than the structure of and the events in that can clarify for our whole list of characters and practices. Be that as it may, shouldn't something be said about freak conduct and characters? In the event that deviation infers off-base or off base conduct, is there something incorrectly or off base in the minds of the individuals who are insidious? The chance appears to be characteristic, yet in addition excessively simple. Doubtlessly there must be some kind of problem with somebody who is amazingly vicious, or harms people in manners our general public won't permit. There are hardly any things increasingly repellent to 'human instinct' and profound quality than the idea of a sequential executioner. What is distinctive about the minds of these people whom our general public finds reprehensible and unredeemable predators? Society may locate a natural explanation behind such barbarities more agreeable than the possibilities of 'good and detestable' or an error. This paper will index and endeavor to sort out the current natural contrasts between our psyches and that of a sequential executioner. Would biology be able to make us Murderers? Late reports in science have discovered discrete areas in the mind that are utilized in multifaceted frameworks that fill in as the human good compass (1).Changes in the cerebrum have for some time been known to change the practices of a man. In the well known case of Phineas Gage, a mishap at his specific employment made an iron pole penetrate through Gage's skull. Gage had the option to stand and talk a... ...ield. 7)Towards a Unified Theory of William Jefferson Clinton, It was intense filtering through all the destinations on sequential executioners that offered no genuine data (and there were a Lot of them seeing that there is an abnormal subculture around the point). For some odd reason, I discovered numerous locales that appeared on web search tools under the word 'mental case' that concentrated on the Clinton Administration. I was amazed (as much as possible be.) Needless to state, the more clever ones had data that related to my theme. This was one of them. 8)Psychopaths: Findings Point to Brain Differences, A short article straightforwardly relating to my theme. Robert Hare is one of the main figures in this field.
Organizing and Leading
Components that should be changed Radical advancement (RI) ventures are described by significant levels of vulnerability. Finding from the contextual investigation, the executives and individuals need to change to adjust to new vital methodologies of doing things.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on Organizing and Leading explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Management ought to instruct representatives on new methodologies of getting things done and that ought to be expressed in the organization’s crucial vision explanations. Research has demonstrated that administration that has calculated a culture of advancement in its RI system in the end turns out to be fruitful. For the contextual investigation, individuals at various degrees of the association can get roused and animated to be proactively engaged with the change procedure. The association needs to legitimize these progressions so when individuals think of clashing thoughts, these though ts can either be excused or joined with a ton of care. Notwithstanding that, the board must be completely dedicated in executing new changes by introducing a unified front so as to turn away conceivable protection from change especially from representatives. The organization’s key way to deal with RI additionally should be changed. One of these vital variables remembers a strategic methodology for presenting the RI procedure. Notwithstanding that, correspondence is a key part in getting representatives to recognize what their jobs and their contribution in presenting change in the association are. The business structure can not continue as before when change has been presented in this association. Along these lines, auxiliary variables should be changed. An authoritative structure explicitly includes level and vertical progressive systems. An adjustment in structure is fundamental with the goal that the association and individuals fit in the new association. Individuals facto rs incorporate ability and aptitudes, enterprising way to deal with getting things done, collaboration, and management’s inclusion. Then again, outer components conceive the earth and how the association under investigation communicates with it. Notwithstanding that, procedure factors incorporate the organization’s way to deal with actualizing the RI, controls and how these controls are exercised.Advertising Looking for exposition on business financial matters? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Technology is another component with a key job in the change procedure. Fresher, less expensive, and cleaner advancements assume a significant job in item quality. The change specialist The change operator in the RI procedure ought to be the administration. Initiative ought to be able to upgrade certain practices and demolish those practices that antagonistically sway on RI. An organization’s existing qualities can be upgraded to place it at a vital bit of leeway in the market by solid and wise administrators who work at various degrees of the board. Notwithstanding that, the qualities of an association can take an association to a totally new course in the market. Accordingly the executives acquires fitness by fusing new aptitudes, procedures, advances, and capacities the main thrusts behind a fruitful RI. A change plan for the association To bring RI into the association, a key methodology dependent on the model that was chosen is plot underneath. Principle Activity Activities Time Frame/Months Experimentation Collecting and assessing new thoughts. Surveying accessible specialized aptitudes, current vision and conveying the new vision to the workers. Imbuing the thoughts into the executives Identifying openings 2 Improvisation Coordination inside the association. Presenting auxiliary changes. Figuring and assessing the proposed structure. Evaluating a viable usage technique. 2 Transition Ch anging to new thoughts and procedures. Guaranteeing a smooth progress. 4 Searching for associations that permit representatives to chip in during work hours Technology has gotten one of the most significant devices in today’s society for work searchers and organizations for getting to data. A great deal of data about associations is accessible on their websites.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on Organizing and Leading explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More notwithstanding that, an organization’s exercises remember its methodologies for dispersing data about its activities. These two components assume a critical job in giving important data about an organization and accessible chances. Different methodologies engaged with deciding these organizations incorporate recognizing an individual’s real bearing and development openings comparable to existing organizations. Individual qualities, shortcomings, abilities, energy, different p references, and individual ability contribute tremendously to deciding the heading to take. With a receptive methodology, an examination of individual organization sites and news stories in looking for the most great organization consider the most proper methodology in building up the organization of decision. Further to that, a nearby thought of the sort of resume that might be required could essentially add to the decision of an occupation. A very much custom fitted resume and introductory letter could extraordinarily include in impacting the executives in considering the application settled on once the organization of decision has been distinguished. Add to that, a nearby assessment of handy experience and set of working responsibilities are significant. This could be in accordance with what an organization needs comparable to its territory of specialization. Systems administration is a significant asset in distinguishing an organization with such chances. Getting effectively ass ociated with passing a resume around notwithstanding calling and reaching companions frames a critical part in systems administration. An individual’s winning methodology incorporates singular appearance. Dressing in the way generally alluring and customized to fit the activity one is searching for are significant components. Consistently, one is required to be proficient. This will emphatically add to the manner in which individuals see an individual, either as an expert or not. An occupation searcher should be altogether learned about exercises organizations put resources into and accessible open doors inside that organization. This data could assist one with distinguishing oneself with accessible volunteer open doors with uncommon accentuation on one’s capacities. That could infer having impact as an expert in one’s field of preparing at school.Advertising Searching for article on business financial aspects? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Steadily, practical desires ought to be set by the activity searcher by fusing volunteer open doors in the association of intrigue. Notwithstanding the demoralizing component of dismissal that may confront an individual activity searcher ought not have impact in crashing one from one’s vision and interest. Volunteer open doors These means help in recognizing volunteer open doors one is enthusiastic about. Assessing accessible chances and distinguishing those organizations that give volunteer open doors at working hours. Once these have been recognized, singular aptitudes that coordinate with the distinguished open doors ought to be assessed and evaluated. Singular capacities are then assessed. These incorporate individual aptitudes, character, consideration, and capacity to security with others. Chances to develop ought to be recognized inside an association of enthusiasm with a solid feeling of responsibility. One’s capacity to coordinate an association in meeting its objectives is one of the trademark identifiers of a volunteer. Associations that permit volunteer open doors on organization time Many of those associations that give volunteer open doors can be discovered recorded over the web and their exercises distinguished on their sites. These incorporate the Metropolitan family benefits organization, Oregon guides, Gatekeeper program, and Adelante Mujeres associations among others. Association that gives a walk among an and b These incorporate Oregon Mentors and Gatekeeper program. These associations give volunteer and development openings among different advantages. Occupation structure Employee inspiration assumes a key job in hierarchical execution. Different persuasive elements assume various jobs in worker execution and maintenance. In light of the above contextual investigation, Lisa Black is progressively disposed to higher employment fulfillment dependent on better relational connections. Great relational connections improve better co rrespondence, sharing of thoughts, better understanding, and better dynamic. It is clear subsequently that, for Lisa Black better relational connections, trailed by increasingly wonderful physical environmental factors, better employer stability, better oversight, improved advantages, changes for development, headway, higher wages, greater duty, and improved innovation in a specific order of essentialness to work fulfillment. Then again Juan Esposito values higher wages as the most critical inspirational factor. Good wages place a worker at a situation to accommodate the basic individual needs notwithstanding dependants. Esposito’s scale distinguishes improved innovation, chance for development, progression, greater duty, better management, physical environmental factors, better relational connections, better professional stability, and improved advantages to altogether affect on close to home inspiration in a specific order. Each scaling talks plainly of the requirements and character of every person. Dark is more worried about nature than Esposito. The scale recommends that Esposito puts little accentuation on long haul benefits that accompany business contrasted with Black who appears with be progressively worried about long haul benefits and the workplace. One could infer that Black is increasingly keen on long haul
Friday, August 21, 2020
Huckleberry Finn Persuasive Essay Free Essays
Dominique Garcia English 3 Honors Ms. Boden February 21, 2012 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is a short novel that has been around for over 100 years. Through the characters Huck and Jim, Twain exhibits the significance of fellowship and mankind in the public eye. We will compose a custom article test on Huckleberry Finn Persuasive Essay or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now This tale isn't for the oblivious or uneducated. The epic uses phrasing to accentuate how the past ought not be rehashed. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn ought to have a place in the American Canon since it shows how society adds to our conclusions, ethics, and disposition. Numerous understudies and grown-ups can identify with Huck’s battle to turn out to be free. Most understudies who read this novel are between the ages of 15-17. Youthfulness is a point in a people life when they don't have the foggiest idea what their identity is. The book clarifies the battle the greater part of us experience. Likewise, the novel shows the significance of companionship. Through the novel, the understudies discover that it is on the whole correct to stay standing for a reason. For instance, in the novel Huck confronts prejudice. This can be applied to somebody going to bat for somebody who is being tormented. Additionally, the novel contains numerous authentic foundation of the U. S. A. Through this book we can realize what not to do. Twain underlines how fiendish bondage is and how is ought not be done once more. Most perusers can comprehend this through the selection of words he employments. The epic additionally shows how oblivious and insidious society can be. It lets understudies open their psyches to not pass judgment on everybody by society’s gauges. In any case, individuals grumble that Twains style in the novel is injurious. African Americans contend that there opportunity was hard earned and that the word â€Å"nigger†just underscores the negative . Some vibe that the word is utilized in wrong implication and that the book ought to be restricted. They accept that if the adolescent read the book than it will just impact the utilization of the word and prejudice may start as an issue once more. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is a novel that has withstand 100 years. Individuals despite everything read it and make associations with the novel through the topics of opportunity, kinship, and society’s measures. Be that as it may, others consider the to be as harsh, ineffective, and ill-advised. Step by step instructions to refer to Huckleberry Finn Persuasive Essay, Essays
Sunday, August 9, 2020
English Grammar 101 The Sentence
English Grammar 101 The Sentence EP 28: English Grammar 101: The Sentence EP 28: English Grammar 101: The Sentence This week we begin a new weekly mini series. We are investigating the foundations of English grammar, starting with the basics and moving upward from there. This week we start with the fundamental component of English grammar, the sentence. Join Cath Anne as she walks you through the basic structures of a properly written sentence. Looking for study tips, help with essay writing, or advice on how to be a better student? Welcome to The Homework Help Show, a weekly show where we teach, assist, and offer valuable insights for student life. From study hacks to writing tips, discussions about student mental health to step-by-step guides on academic writing and how to write a resume, weve got you covered. Want your questions answered? Write them below or join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #askHHG TRANSCRIPT: Cath Anne: [00:00:05] Hi there friends. My name is Cath Anne, and this is The Homework Help Show, hosted by Homework Help Global. Today we begin a new series called Grammar 101. Cath Anne: [00:00:17] In this five-episode series we are going to be providing you with the basics you need to know to construct a sentence and to improve your English writing skills. These skills will help you with your reading as well as with your academic writing. So today were starting at the very beginning. Cath Anne: [00:00:37] We are looking at the sentence. Cath Anne: [00:00:42] I know youre probably thinking, of course I know what a sentence is. I have learned this many times before and if you have studied English you will most certainly be familiar with this sentence. Cath Anne: [00:00:55] The sentence is the very basis of how we communicate using language and if we are going to begin a process of learning how to write properly it is important to develop a stable foundation and work up from there. Cath Anne: [00:01:08] So the sentence is where we will begin to develop this foundation. Lets begin by defining what a sentence is. A sentence is a group of words that makes complete sense, conveys clear meaning and expresses a complete thought. Cath Anne: [00:01:30] Before we get in depth regarding this sentence, lets break it down even further, beginning with discussion of a clause. This might be a word that youre familiar with. Cath Anne: [00:01:40] So, what is a clause? A clause is a subject-verb combination. A clause is the smallest grammatical unit that can express a complete proposition in the English language. So, there are several types of clauses: independent clauses, which stand on their own and dependent clauses, which require other words to help them make sense. Cath Anne: [00:02:33] The major difference between these two types of clauses is that every English sentence requires an independent clause. Whereas, a sentence does not require a dependent clause although there may be one dependent clause or multiple present depending on the sentence. Cath Anne: [00:02:53] Think about it this way. The shortest sentence you can have in English will be a clause. Can you think of a short sentence? The shortest sentence youve ever thought of? How about, Go. Is this a sentence? Yes, it is a sentence because it contains an independent clause. The word you is implied. So, we are giving a direction. You go and the verb go is included. So, that makes it a sentence. Cath Anne: [00:03:39] Moving on from clauses to sentences, every grammatically correct sentence in English must have a subject, verb, and object. Cath Anne: [00:04:13] For example, The cat ate the food. Lets begin with that as our basis for discussion. Cath Anne: [00:04:42] So, lets discuss this subject in the sentence. Cath Anne: [00:04:49] The subject is the person, place, or thing that is doing or being something in a sentence. You can find a subject in a sentence by first finding the verb and asking who or what verbs or verbed. For example, in our sentence, The cat ate the food, the verb here is ate. Cath Anne: [00:05:14] To find the subject, can ask, who ate the food? The cat ate the food so that makes it the subject of the sentence. Cath Anne: [00:05:29] Second, we can discuss the verb which we have already mentioned. A verb is a word that expresses physical or mental action. As mentioned the verb expresses action and it is the first word to look for in a sentence in order to determine the subject and the object and the other various parts of a sentence. So, in our sentence, The cat ate the food, weve already identified ate as the verb as is easily identified as something that was done, an action that was taken. Cath Anne: [00:06:08] Finally, we can discuss the object. The object of this sentence is the word or thing that is acted upon by this subject. So, we have our subject and we have our action verb here. In order to find the object of the sentence, ask whom or what is receiving the action. So, we are looking at, whom or what is receiving the action by the cat. Cath Anne: [00:06:39] Try to remember that the direct object in that sentence is always a thing or a person who received the action of the verb. Cath Anne: [00:06:49] So we can look at ate. What is seeing the action of the verb? It would be the food So, we can ask The cat ate what? And our answer would be, The cat ate the food. In this sentence the food is the object. So, that is a very basic 101 overview of the sentence which is one of the most important aspects of English communication. Cath Anne: [00:07:25] I think we can leave it there for this week. [00:07:27] Next week we will delve a little deeper into sentence structure and the more complicated aspects of basic grammatical structure in English. Cath Anne: [00:07:39] Remember every word in the sentence serves a specific purpose within the structure of that particular sentence. So, according to the rules of grammar, sentence structure can sometimes be quite complicated. However, this video series is intended to break down the complexity into manageable steps and process. Cath Anne: [00:08:00] This is why this week we are just focusing on the simple steps of creating a sentence. Cath Anne: [00:08:10] So friends, we hope this video has been beneficial to you. If you liked our video make sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel. Cath Anne: [00:08:20] If youre looking to access more of our content please check us out on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google Plus, YouTube, Medium, and for those of you who love podcasts we are also on SoundCloud, Anchor, iTunes Apple podcasts and Google Play Music. All you have to do is search Homework Help Global and you will be able to find us. Just another reminder, please join me when the school year starts on Instagram Live every Monday night at 7:00p.m. as I will be hosting a quick chat and check in to help you start your week in school. Cath Anne: [00:08:58] All the best to you and everyone out there, please tune in next week as we go in more depth around English grammar. Take care. All the best and good luck starting classes. English Grammar 101 The Sentence EP 28: English Grammar 101: The Sentence EP 28: English Grammar 101: The Sentence This week we begin a new weekly mini series. We are investigating the foundations of English grammar, starting with the basics and moving upward from there. This week we start with the fundamental component of English grammar, the sentence. Join Cath Anne as she walks you through the basic structures of a properly written sentence. Looking for study tips, help with essay writing, or advice on how to be a better student? Welcome to The Homework Help Show, a weekly show where we teach, assist, and offer valuable insights for student life. From study hacks to writing tips, discussions about student mental health to step-by-step guides on academic writing and how to write a resume, weve got you covered. Want your questions answered? Write them below or join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #askHHG TRANSCRIPT: Cath Anne: [00:00:05] Hi there friends. My name is Cath Anne, and this is The Homework Help Show, hosted by Homework Help Global. Today we begin a new series called Grammar 101. Cath Anne: [00:00:17] In this five-episode series we are going to be providing you with the basics you need to know to construct a sentence and to improve your English writing skills. These skills will help you with your reading as well as with your academic writing. So today were starting at the very beginning. Cath Anne: [00:00:37] We are looking at the sentence. Cath Anne: [00:00:42] I know youre probably thinking, of course I know what a sentence is. I have learned this many times before and if you have studied English you will most certainly be familiar with this sentence. Cath Anne: [00:00:55] The sentence is the very basis of how we communicate using language and if we are going to begin a process of learning how to write properly it is important to develop a stable foundation and work up from there. Cath Anne: [00:01:08] So the sentence is where we will begin to develop this foundation. Lets begin by defining what a sentence is. A sentence is a group of words that makes complete sense, conveys clear meaning and expresses a complete thought. Cath Anne: [00:01:30] Before we get in depth regarding this sentence, lets break it down even further, beginning with discussion of a clause. This might be a word that youre familiar with. Cath Anne: [00:01:40] So, what is a clause? A clause is a subject-verb combination. A clause is the smallest grammatical unit that can express a complete proposition in the English language. So, there are several types of clauses: independent clauses, which stand on their own and dependent clauses, which require other words to help them make sense. Cath Anne: [00:02:33] The major difference between these two types of clauses is that every English sentence requires an independent clause. Whereas, a sentence does not require a dependent clause although there may be one dependent clause or multiple present depending on the sentence. Cath Anne: [00:02:53] Think about it this way. The shortest sentence you can have in English will be a clause. Can you think of a short sentence? The shortest sentence youve ever thought of? How about, Go. Is this a sentence? Yes, it is a sentence because it contains an independent clause. The word you is implied. So, we are giving a direction. You go and the verb go is included. So, that makes it a sentence. Cath Anne: [00:03:39] Moving on from clauses to sentences, every grammatically correct sentence in English must have a subject, verb, and object. Cath Anne: [00:04:13] For example, The cat ate the food. Lets begin with that as our basis for discussion. Cath Anne: [00:04:42] So, lets discuss this subject in the sentence. Cath Anne: [00:04:49] The subject is the person, place, or thing that is doing or being something in a sentence. You can find a subject in a sentence by first finding the verb and asking who or what verbs or verbed. For example, in our sentence, The cat ate the food, the verb here is ate. Cath Anne: [00:05:14] To find the subject, can ask, who ate the food? The cat ate the food so that makes it the subject of the sentence. Cath Anne: [00:05:29] Second, we can discuss the verb which we have already mentioned. A verb is a word that expresses physical or mental action. As mentioned the verb expresses action and it is the first word to look for in a sentence in order to determine the subject and the object and the other various parts of a sentence. So, in our sentence, The cat ate the food, weve already identified ate as the verb as is easily identified as something that was done, an action that was taken. Cath Anne: [00:06:08] Finally, we can discuss the object. The object of this sentence is the word or thing that is acted upon by this subject. So, we have our subject and we have our action verb here. In order to find the object of the sentence, ask whom or what is receiving the action. So, we are looking at, whom or what is receiving the action by the cat. Cath Anne: [00:06:39] Try to remember that the direct object in that sentence is always a thing or a person who received the action of the verb. Cath Anne: [00:06:49] So we can look at ate. What is seeing the action of the verb? It would be the food So, we can ask The cat ate what? And our answer would be, The cat ate the food. In this sentence the food is the object. So, that is a very basic 101 overview of the sentence which is one of the most important aspects of English communication. Cath Anne: [00:07:25] I think we can leave it there for this week. [00:07:27] Next week we will delve a little deeper into sentence structure and the more complicated aspects of basic grammatical structure in English. Cath Anne: [00:07:39] Remember every word in the sentence serves a specific purpose within the structure of that particular sentence. So, according to the rules of grammar, sentence structure can sometimes be quite complicated. However, this video series is intended to break down the complexity into manageable steps and process. Cath Anne: [00:08:00] This is why this week we are just focusing on the simple steps of creating a sentence. Cath Anne: [00:08:10] So friends, we hope this video has been beneficial to you. If you liked our video make sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel. Cath Anne: [00:08:20] If youre looking to access more of our content please check us out on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google Plus, YouTube, Medium, and for those of you who love podcasts we are also on SoundCloud, Anchor, iTunes Apple podcasts and Google Play Music. All you have to do is search Homework Help Global and you will be able to find us. Just another reminder, please join me when the school year starts on Instagram Live every Monday night at 7:00p.m. as I will be hosting a quick chat and check in to help you start your week in school. Cath Anne: [00:08:58] All the best to you and everyone out there, please tune in next week as we go in more depth around English grammar. Take care. All the best and good luck starting classes.
Thursday, June 11, 2020
America has become a consumer culture. Do you agree or disagree - 275 Words
America has become a consumer culture. Do you agree or disagree? (Essay Sample) Content: America has become a consumer culture. Do you agree or disagree? (Authorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Name) (Institutional Affiliation) America Consumerism Consumer culture is a form of capitalism whereby the economy is focused on the selling of consumer goods and the spending of consumer money (Thompson, n.d.). The social status, activities, and values in a consumer culture are fixated on the consumption of goods and services. America is no longer the economic powerhouse it was a few centuries ago. The 21st century has witnessed the emergence of China and India as economic giants (Smart, 2010). Americaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s manufacturing is no longer the driving force of the economy, and there is substantial evidence that classifies America as a consumer-driven economy. Consumer spending constitutes the largest part of the American economy. In 2006 alone, consumer purchases accounted for 70% of the United Statesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ gross domestic product (GDP). The closest country was the UK whereby users accounted for 61% GDP followed by Italy with 59% (Smart, 2010). Once a leader in exporting manufactured goods, America has increasingly become an importer and a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"nation of shoppersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢. Most of Americaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s products are predominantly produced overseas, many of which are outsourced by American corporations. Americaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s consumer culture is responsible for the rising personal debts. According to Tepper (2015), household debt has grown 15% faster than income over the past 12 years. Statistics estimate the average household credit card debt at $7281 and the average outstanding balance at $15609 (Johnson, 2015). The numbers are a testimony that American consumers are taking more debts, which in turn is a revelation that they are spending more. Due to the emphasis placed on happiness brought about by material things by consumer culture, peopl...
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